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#131 – Sheffield at the Zoo

Today’s episode was recorded live on location at The Red River Zoo, during a guided tour by Executive Director Sally Jacobson! On our adventure, we meet porcupines, eagles, saki monkeys, takins, wolves, and the zoo’s most famous resident escape artist,...

#130 – Bowser Meat

Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A! Today’s guest is CJ Schnase, proprietor of Replay Games Fargo. We chat about the life of a game designer, Billy Mitchel’s fall from grace, games as a service, the resurgent world of RGB gaming, and much...

#129 – JJ Meets VR

While wearing a VR headset, JJ chats with returning guest Mike Ressl about the current state of virtual reality, proprietary technologies, ethical concerns, the horizon of real-life applications, and popular trends! Help us keep the lights on by donating to our...

#128 – Air D&D

Open those Doritos, put on your wizard hat, and prepare to roll dice! JJ brings in his regular Dungeons & Dragons group (previous guests Phil Godel, Britta Nelson & Jason Jacobson) for a JJ Meets World exclusive campaign! Â Help us keep the lights on by...

#127 – Neither Fish nor Fowl

Ever heard of somebody retiring four different times? You’re about to! Today on JJ Meets World we chat with Pastor Dale Emery of Hillsboro United Parish, who has been working as a pastor for the last 59 years! We talk about how he felt called to serve his...